PARTNERS We are honored to partner with others to serve the Riverview Community FUNDERS Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber Spiritual Life CommitteeOlentangy Community ChurchOverbrook Presbyterian ChurchPeak Property GroupRasoul Law OfficeShort North RotaryThe Columbus FoundationUnited Way of Central OhioUpper Arlington Rotary AugustwentyBoulevard Presbyterian ChurchCASColumbus City CouncilFirst Community ChurchFirst Congregational ChurchFranklin County Board of CommissionersGrange Insurance Mary Beth Dubec e-Merge Real Estate COMMUNITY PARTNERS Ethiopian Tewahedo Social ServicesFringe22Heart to HeartHello Neighbor NetworkHyder MediaLegal Aid of Southeast and Central OhioMary Beth Dubec e-Merge Real EstateMid-Ohio Food CollectiveNBC4Neighborhood Services INC Action for ChildrenAdvocating OpportunityCASCCChurchColumbus City SchoolsColumbus Diaper BankColumbus Metropolitan LibraryCommunity Refugee and Immigration ServicesFood4AllCbus Northwest Christian ChurchOPAWLOur HelpersPark National BankRasoul Law OfficeThe Ohio State UniversityThe Period PantryUnited Way of Central OhioVineyard Columbus BECOME A PARTNER! Become a Partner Name * First Name Last Name Email * How did you hear about us? * A Neighbor A friend or family member Social media Newsletter Other Thanks for your interest! How can we collaborate? * Share your thoughts on helping our Riverview Drive neighbors. Thank you!